Event Description
Texas' Hottest trail race, the Habanero Hundred was born from a summer long run gone wrong (ask the Race Director) and is now one the largest trail races in the state, held in August every year with options for many distances with the marquee event being the 100 mile distance. The relay option will also allow you to run with a team, friends, or family to complete this monumental task. In the first year of the event we only had ONE 100-Mile finisher, Julie Schmal! Ever since, we have put our 100mi finishers' names printed on the back of the next year's shirt. Between 2015 and 2023 only 137 people have finished the Habanero Hundred 100mi! Are you up for the challenge? Or maybe start with one of our shorter distances or team relays. Sign up your club for the relay in our highly competitive team event for both the 100K and 100M distances.
The race is held at the beautiful 7IL ranch just outside of Bellville, Texas. The ranch has been open for more than five generations, and it was opened for public use in 1999. The facility is over 1,150 acres with water/electric and RV hookups as well.
The Habanero Hundred is set up to start at HIGH NOON, and the 30-hour cutoff will end at 6:00 PM on Sunday. All runners will receive an event shirt, the race will be chip timed, and we will have free pictures for all runners. There will be belt buckles for 100M & 100K finishers, and medals for the 50k, Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k, and Relay Teams.
The top teams in the 100M and 100K Relay will receive a special pennant. Also, the top Houston Area Road Runner's clubs and F3 Teams will compete for their own pennants.
2025 Tentative Schedule
12:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Pre-Race Packet Pickup - Good Times Running Co. Katy, TX
This is your best option for a smooth packet pickup close to Houston!
12:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Packet Pickup and TROT Store @ 7IL Ranch Barn Pavilion
5:00 PM: Race Briefing @ 7IL Ranch Barn Pavilion (video will be shared)
12:00 PM Onwards - Personal Support and Camping Setup: Canopies, Team/Personal Support along first 400m of course line (from end of driveway to trailhead)
Parking Area Open for primitive/car camping, drive up and park. No ground fires (above-ground cooking allowed). DO NOT LEAVE TRASH.
11:59 PM all registration changes/updates/signups due (RunSignup)
8:00 AM - 12:30 AM: Final Packet Pickup at 7IL Barn Pavilion
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM: TROT Store at 7IL Barn Pavilion
You should arrive at least 90 minutes before your start time if you do not have your packet (highly encouraged to pick up before race day). No race time adjustments for late starts.
HIGH NOON: Race Start for 100 Mile, 100km, 50km Individuals and Relays
12:30 PM: Start for Marathon, Half Marathon, and 10k
4:00 PM Loop cutoff (no starting another loop)
6:00 PM Race Ends (all events cutoff)
30H CLOCK TIME (from Noon on Saturday, 29.5h for Marathon/Half/10k)
4:00 PM Loop cutoff (no starting another loop)
6:00 PM Race Ends (all events)
Registration Changes
Trail Racing Over Texas events offers a user friendly registration experience on RunSignup with many features and flexibility. Options include the ablity to "gift" your registration, defferals for credit, and add insurance to your registration (see specifics for details, policies, pricing, and fees that may apply) in addition to many other options that allows you to register for our events with confidence. You may change your registered event to a different distance during open registration on RunSignup per the TROT policies. All of this is managed through your registration on RunSignup.
RunSignup FAQ: Change/Update Registration (distance, swag, transfer, etc.)
Once the races start you can not drop down to a lower distance, completing anything less than your registered distance will be listed as a DNF in the results.
Buckles and medals can be earned for completed distance (drop-down medals) *This is only at Habanero (not standard TROT policy)
Aid Station and Support
Mandatory Gear Note: You must carry your own form of hydration carrying device (at least one) with at least 500ml / 17oz capacity, leaving full from each station. TROT is a cupless racing company and DO NOT have cups for you at our aid stations. TROT flasks are available for sale at packet pickup (while supplies last). Arrive to the race with your bottles full and enough hydration until the race starts. Aid Stations are intended for race participants only, during and after the race. Spectators and crew must bring their own supplies. Snow Cone and Food Truck will be on-site for food and drink purchases.
There will be 3 aid stations:
Start/Finish: Full aid station with support and medical in addition to personal tent/vehicle area, showers at the barn.
Road Crossing: Unmanned aid station between Start/Finish and Hot Tamales with water & ice, miles 1 and 5 on course.
Hot Tamales: The halfway aid station "Hot Tamales Aid Station" on the loop is a FULL AID STATION with support and drive-up access including solo crews (please limit the amount of vehicles here, no spectating, no relays, reserve for emergencies). MAP Location
Runners should set up their own support area in the start/finish main parking area or along the first 400 meters of the course line for extended rest periods, personal gear, and preferences for food and hydration. Note that vehicles parked along the course will not be able to move till Sunday at 6 PM, this includes vehicle loading/unloading. Those wishing to leave earlier can park in the large field area which is open to in/out traffic as needed.
Aid Station Items (subject to change/while quantities last for non-critical items):
Fluids: Water, Ice, Gatorade (NO CUPS)
Soda: Coke, Ginger Ale, Orange.
Electrolytes: Pickle Juice, Salt, and other high sodium drinks and snacks
Sweet: Cookies, Candy, Peanut Butter, Nutella, etc.
Salty: Pringles, Trail Mix, Chips, etc.
Food: Sandwiches (PB&J, Nutella, PB, etc), Bean burrito rolls, fruit (bananas and oranges) additional snacks.
Medical: Bandages, Vaseline, Band Aids (limited), etc. ( NO NSAIDS e.g. ibuprofen) , Feminine Care Products, Wildsense: Chaffing Balm and Bug Spray.
Cooking (evening only): Grilled Cheese, Quesadillas, Soup, Noodles, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Ramen, Potatoes, and other "fun ultra concoctions".
Other: Cooling bucket, Gatoritas (hot weather), and other surprises!
We will have everything you need at our aid stations and usually throw in something extra at each event to make it fun. It's not uncommon to see cakes, pies, watermelons, etc… You never know what the surprise will be!
Aid stations are for registered runners only, during the event (not before). Serving is by our volunteers and staff only. Crew members are not to use aid station supplies. Runners and crew are encouraged to have their own supply, especially for particular items, such as preferred gel, or certain diet requirements. You must bring your own cup/hydration device.
Drop Bags
We will have a ground tarp at the Start/Finish area for drop bags but runners are encouraged to set up their own area along the course line - bring a tent, tarp, chairs, supplies, etc.
Hot Tamales Aid Station will have drop bag access: Runners can drop their small bags at check-in with clear names, bags will return in the at the completion of the event.
Pacers & Crew
Crew is only allowed around the start/finish area, outside of the TROT aid station, or along the first ~400 meters of the course (to the gate). Keep in mind if a runners access a personal tent before finishing a loop, they will still need to complete their loop before heading back out. Only runners passing through the archway (timing) will be recorded.
100M/100K Pacing is allowed. You may only have one (1) Pacer at a time while you are running. Each pacer must register on RunSignup as a pacer and wear a pacing bib (check-in at the timing tent on race day to receive pacer bib). Pacer registration costs $10 to cover venue pass, race & emergency support and will open August 1st.
100M runners may have a pacer once they have completed 8 loops of the course.
100K runners may have a pacer after they have completed 6 loops of the course.
Passes, Parking, and Camping
The venue fee is now included in the runner registration. All other individuals 12 years or older (includes crew/pacer/spectator/etc.*) entering 7IL Ranch are required to purchase a $5 Day Park Pass or $10 Camp Park Pass. This fee goes directly to the landowner. A wristband will be issued once your order is confirmed at the check-in table located at packet pickup, or the main event tent once the race begins (for later arrivals). This covers trail access, parking, bathrooms and showers, and primitive camping for the entire week. Come and go as you please. Passes can be pre-purchased online via the RunSignup registration page or in-person via cash/PayPal/Venmo/Zelle.
You are welcome to car camp or set up a small camp in the field surrounding the start/finish. Generators and camp stoves are allowed. No open fires. Do NOT leave any garbage or items "leave no trace".
RV sites are limited and must be reserved directly with 7IL Ranch here.
*Volunteers will receive a complimentary wristband.
*If you booked an RV site with 7IL Ranch, your reservation only covers one person at that site, all others will need to pay an entrance fee.
ALL runners must register on RunSignup. Pricing is dependent on the size of your team - as your team grows, the existing members will be refunded to lessen the cost and balance the cost per team member.
Relay teams can be 2-5 people. A relay runner MUST complete the full loop back to the start/finish. If a runner on a relay team starts the loop and is unable to continue, the team will be a DNF. The only place that an exchange can be made is at the Start/Finish in the transition area.
There is no order in how you must complete those loops or how many loops each member of your team needs to do. Teams may have runners that will have to run more than other team members. Runners can change the order or number of loops per runner registered on their team as desired.
No substitutions are allowed by non-team runners (including solo or other teams’ runners). Only one team member on course at a time. Teams are allowed to finish the final ~400 meters of the race together.
Solo runners can not run on relay teams.
Pre-Race Heat Training Advice, Tips, and Medical Plan
We take safety very seriously at all TROT races, but especially Habanero, to ensure that all our runners are safe. The Race Director and Medical Staff have the ultimate decision on runners being able to start or continue based on their observations. Emergency medical professionals will be on location Saturday during the day and local EMS on call for the remainder of the weekend.
In the event of an emergency, you should dial 911, alert other runners/race staff, and alert the race director to provide further instruction and communication with emergency services. If you dial 911 you must notify the race director as soon as possible. Take note of your location on the course, there will be kilometer markers 1-9, and note the bib number of the participant (at minimum).
All aid stations, day and night, will have water, electrolytes, salt tabs, ice, ice buckets, shade, and the normal buffet of food that we always have including hot (night) and cold foods. In addition to what we provide, you may bring drop bags to be placed at the Hot Tamales aid station and setup your own area around the Start/Finish.
The course is small on purpose so that you are never more than 3.0 miles away from aid. This means if you are walking, you are just an hour from aid. You can ice up at each aid station and keep as cool as possible. The 7IL Ranch has showers within 100 feet of the start so that you can fully cool off if you want to. And while starting at noon seems really mean, it is meant to get you in the sun while you are fresh. We don't want you to have spent all day in the sun and be a zombie walking at night. You should be looking forward to really moving your best when the sun is setting.
We have some AMAZING ultra-running volunteers that will be at the aid stations, guys and gals that have run tons of ultras, 100 miler races, and beyond. They want to help you. And these amazing volunteers might just be your best friend when the race is over.
Short Distance Solo and Relay Runners - Yes you, running 10k loops, we have seen year after year that a majority of our medical issues come not from the ultra runners, but from the shorter distance runners and relay runners who simply “go out too hot”. The heat you generate, internal temperature, and exertion level are higher amongst these runners so an extra word of caution for those runners to pace themselves. This is not the race to be a hero.
You as a runner will have everything at your fingertips to help you get to the finish line. When you sign up for a race (ANY race) you should know your limitations and the risks that are involved in a race. The Habanero Hundred is quite different in a few ways and you should prepare accordingly, here are some tips from over the years:
Heat Training: Do not show up to this event if you have not adequately prepared not only to complete the distance, but with the addition of heat preparation. We have some links below for information. Most runners live in the area and have a summer of naturally being exposed to the high heat and humidity. If not, there are techniques like overdressing and sauna, steam room, or hot baths that can be added to your training (even if you are normally in the heat) that will increase your ability to safely manage the heat.
Gear: A buff, a bandana, and arm sleeves can all help you stay cool. A buff dipped in water will help to keep the blood cool around your neck. You can put ice into a bandana and wrap it around your neck or head. Arm sleeves can also be stuffed with ice to keep the blood vessels in your wrists cool. You MUST carry at least one form of hydration carrying device and leave each station on full. We do not provide cups at our aid stations.
Clothing: Cotton shirts will help to keep moisture against your skin instead of away from it. While most people think cotton is the devil because it chafes, it can help to keep moisture against the skin while you're in the sun. Your sweat will actually help to cool you. As the sun sets maybe toss on a tech shirt and change back to cotton when you start to get hot again.
Effort: Run within your limits. Most of you are out there heat training through the summer and realize that hot weather makes your heart rate go up. You need to be smart while it's HOT and not redline at any point - all too often we see people sprinting in or out of the main area, only to be walking on course. Don't be a hero (or try to look like one). The one's that do well and finish Habanero, in any distance, are the ones laying low and consistent throughout. The best time to cover the most miles is from 6 PM to 6 AM when you are out of the sunlight.
Electrolytes and Fueling: Proper hydration is key to heat running. It's an ever-changing fine balance, and a highly personal one, to ensure the right amount of water-to-electrolytes. Make sure that you are comfortable with salt water before race day. We will have Base Nutrition, Pickle Juice, table salt, and salted items to snack on as well. You should plan on bringing the hydration/fueling that you have been training with.
The two biggest emergency issues we see are:
Shorter distance / relay runners starting too fast
Runners leaving aid stations with no reserve energy and needing to be rescued. If you are not 100% sure you can finish a loop, do not start. Keep in mind the day is not over at the finish line, you still need to safely get home.
Check out a few links below on heat training and how to stay cool:
3 Heat Training Strategies, From “Beginner” To “Advanced” to “Western States” Heat Training Article
Weather or other incidents: In the event of lightning, storms, or other unplanned dangerous conditions the Race Director may delay/pause/cancel the event.
Recover Brands T-Shirts with the 2023 100M finishers printed on the back. Also see TROT store online for extra orders and extra singlets from last year.
Example shirts from 2024 - stay tuned for 2025 designs!
Buckles for 100M & 100K finishers. Event specific finisher medals for Relays, 50k, Marathon, Half Marathon, and 10k. Habanero Hundred Hot Sauce for Top Male & Female Open and Masters (40+) in all events.
New 2024 100M Prize Structure; top 3 Male & Female:
First Place: $350 and free TROT race
Second Place: $250 and free TROT race
Third Place: $150 and free TROT race
Relay Team Pennant Divisions 100M & 100k:
- Open Division
- Houston Area Rod Runners Association (HARRA)
- F3 Team

The 2024 course will be the classic counter clockwise 10k Yellow Trail at 7IL Ranch for all events, roughly 280ft +/- elevation per loop.
100M = 16 Loops
100k = 10 Loops
50k = 5 Loops
Marathon = 4 Loops*
Half Marathon = 2 Loops*
10k = 1 Loop
*The Marathon and Half marathon will have an initial add-on section to add the required 1.1km and 2.2km before starting the 10km loops.
Unmanned ice and water at the road crossing at miles 1 and 5.
Full Aid Station "Hot Tamales" at mile 3. Safety markers every kilometer.
Earn future race credits, race swag, free park pass, food, and volunteer hours (as needed). Club support options are available as well for team aid station takeovers. Volunteering spots are available through our registration site at RunSignup.
See more info on our volunteer page: VOLUNTEER WITH TROT
Thank you to Pickle Power pickle juice and Wildsense Goods for support of Habanero Hundred! You can find their products at the event for use and sale.
Sponsor and vendor spots are open, tent space is available, please inquire via email.